The Winchfield Festival is a charity whose aim is to promote music in the community. The Festival has been running since 1990 and it has become a key event in the Winchfield social calendar, bringing the village together in a common endeavour.  The Festival has grown in stature over the years, and we now attract world-class musicians as well as a loyal audience from the surrounding districts. We also provide vital support to the teaching of music across all the 19 Primary schools in Hart district through our Outreach Programme.

But the Festival does not pay its way, and we do rely on donations from a few loyal Benefactors as well as a set of private Friends of the Winchfield Festival (known as Friends). There are currently just over 30 Friends who pay £15 per annum (or £25pa for couples). Most of our Friends are residents of Winchfield and the neighbouring villages who enjoy the Festival and want to lend their support. We rely on their generosity, whilst the only concrete benefit of being a Friend is that we hold a Friends’ drinks party on the first Sunday of each Festival, just after the Church Service.

Do please consider becoming a Friend.  If you would like to join us, please complete the Standing Order/Gift Aid form here.  Single membership as a Festival Friend is a minimum of £15 per annum and £25 per annum for double membership. If you would like to get in touch, please use our Contact page to email us.